The Baron of Breaktime. The Sultan of snarf. The Monarch of Munchies. When you’ve equipped yourself with everyone’s favorite snacks, you’re more than set. You feel like royalty. You gaze upon your land (or ride) with the utmost satisfaction, knowing that your coffers are full of shimmering, crunchy popcorn, glorious, flavorful seeds, and rich treasured jerky.

As you are benevolent emperor, you share your wealth with all of your fellow lords and ladies – because any occasion calls for revelry in the court of the Snack King.

The Prince of Pop. The Kaiser of Crunch. The Maharaja of Jerky. The Baron of Smoked Beef. The Mogul of MMMMM. The Crown of the Kernel. The Snack King.

No matter your choice of snack, we all love `em. And whether you feel like royalty for sharing with your adoring public or not, snacking is something we can all agree deserves some love.

Tasked with creating a series of programmatic content for ConAgra brands snacking division. Uniting many different brands within the ConAgra snack portfolio under one platform to create buzz and drive to ecommerce platforms such as Amazon.

The results surpassed nearly every ConAgra benchmark—and were a blast to create.

This :30 was created for all of those sharing our riches within our 9-5 cube farm communities.

This :15 was created for our joy riding, road tripping, C-Store kids. It’s not always about the end destination.

We also created a fun content library full of bite-sized Snack King moments.

Jacobson Rost

ACD / Art Direction

CD: Tom Gorton
ACD Writer: Will Wilson
AD: Luca Pontarelli
AD: Adrian Mui
Editor: Andy Ramsy


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